

Impro Brussels exists to provide the community our passion and expertise in the art of unscripted theatre. We strive to be an organization that exemplifies acceptance, play, free expression, empathy, and listening intently to others. We set forth this code and the Harassment Policy to model the behaviour we wish for all our staff and community members to exemplify and to provide steps for rectifying conduct issues which may arise.

Impro Brussels is based in one of the most diverse cities in the world, and our diversity reflects this, with students and staff from across the globe. This makes Impro Brussels a truly unique space. Unwritten social norms, such as how to greet one another and what level of physical contact is accepted during workshops and shows, vary greatly from country to country. Considering this, we must be sensitive, state boundaries, and understand that people coming from different backgrounds have different notions of what is acceptable and what is not. As part of the Impro Brussels community, we must all do our best to take care of each other by respecting these boundaries.

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Aims And Values

  • We aim to instruct, develop, and grow together. 

  • We strive to provide a professional learning/training environment.

  • We believe in artistic freedom.

  • We believe in the importance of community through respect for each other and supporting each other’s growth. We celebrate failures and successes, onstage and off.

  • Brussels is a multicultural city, and Impro Brussels reflects this.

  • Impro Brussels aims to be a safer and accountable space for everyone.

  • Impro Brussels aims to be fair to everyone.

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Scope And Limitations

  • Impro Brussels’ Code of Conduct is here to be used as a guideline for all individuals involved with Impro Brussels activities, be they staff, students, or audience members.

  • This Code of Conduct applies to our interactions in various areas of our shared lives, including Impro Brussels work meetings, classes, rehearsals, performances, our social media and email exchanges, social events, and festivals, or other events where we represent Impro Brussels. This Code of Conduct may also apply to interactions between members of Impro Brussels community outside of Impro Brussels spaces and officially sanctioned events, especially in cases of a preponderance of evidence, credible eyewitnesses, and/or willing admissions of responsibility regarding violations of the Code of Conduct.

  • The Code of Conduct does not replace or act as a legal system. Legal recourse for any actions taken can still occur, and Impro Brussels may call the authorities depending on the gravity of the situation.

  • Due to the nature of performance communities, we cannot account for every possible conduct problem which may arise in classroom, rehearsal, social, and performance settings, but we will address problematic actions we notice, or which are brought to our attention.

  • This Code of Conduct is an active document which is open to feedback from all members of the Impro Brussels community.

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Accountable space: Being responsible for yourself, your intentions, words, and actions. It means entering a space with good intentions, but understanding that aligning your intent with action is the true test of commitment. Accountability also means acknowledging that, in this space, we are accountable for actions we take and words we speak, and do our utmost to learn from our experiences.

Boundaries: Limits and constraints we set to safeguard our emotional, physical, and mental well-being.

Consent: Permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.
We acknowledge that consent is more than saying “yes”; it has to be happily given without constraints of any sort, it has to be revocable in any moment, it has to be given in relation to a clearly determined activity that both parties understand.              
Considering this, consent is not possible in the case that someone is intoxicated, being pressured into doing something, or is otherwise incapable of making a free decision.
While these characteristics of consent generally apply to sexual encounters, we believe these general principles can also apply to and around improv.

Discrimination: the unfair or prejudicial treatment of people and groups based on characteristics such as race, sex, gender, age, religion, or sexual orientation.

Harassment: Unwelcome conduct, whether verbal, physical or visual, that is so severe or pervasive that it unreasonably interferes with an individual’s participation in Impro Brussels’ activities, or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational or working environment.

Safer space: A safer space is a supportive, non-threatening environment where all participants can feel comfortable to express themselves and share experiences without fear of discrimination or reprisal. We use the word safer for two reasons:

1.      To acknowledge that safety is relative: not everyone feels safe under the same conditions.

2.    Impro Brussels cannot guarantee a perfectly safe space. Considering the nature of performance and creative freedom, and the scope of activities Impro Brussels undertakes, not every possible issue can be addressed. However, by acknowledging the experiences of each person in the room, and through this policy, we hope to create as safe an environment as possible. 

Sexual harassment: Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, sexually-motivated physical contact or other verbal or physical conduct or communication of a sexual nature.
Under Belgian law, sexual harassment is defined as any undesirable behaviour that is related to sex and that has the purpose or effect of violating the dignity of the person and of creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment. Sexual harassment is also defined as unwanted conduct of a sexual nature, expressed physically, verbally or nonverbally, which has the purpose or effect of violating the dignity of a person and, in particular, of creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment.

Staff: Teachers, employees, and volunteers of Impro Brussels.

Trigger: A trigger is a is an action or situation that can lead to an adverse emotional reaction.

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  • Improv should come from a kind, fun, caring, and respectful attitude.

  • When in doubt, assume good intentions.

  •  Be open to constructive feedback. This applies to all, including staff, students, and the school itself.

  •  Everyone who is involved in the Impro Brussels project is involved in ensuring Impro Brussels provides a safer and accountable space, whether staff or student.

  • On stage, no student or performer will be expected to, under any circumstance, keep playing a scene where they feel unsafe, threatened, and/or triggered. The refusal to play a scene does not need to be justified or explained.

  • Be aware of people’s possible triggers.

  • Be mindful of your and others’ boundaries.

    o   Everyone is the ultimate arbiter and guardian of their own boundaries.

    o   Boundaries are non-negotiable and don’t have to be justified.

  •  On stage, one person’s boundaries (be it performer or audience members) don’t automatically become off-topics for the collective.

  •  We operate on a consent-based system, on stage and off stage.

  • Discrimination, harassment, and sexual harassment have no place in Impro Brussels.

  • Any allegations of discrimination, harassment, and/or sexual harassment will be taken seriously and investigated fairly. For details on how allegations will be handled, please see the Harassment Policy.

  • There will be no retaliation for anyone who makes a complaint or allegation, regardless of who the complaint is made against: staff, students, audience members, or anyone else.

  • Staff and students are all expected to be punctual, whether for classes, shows, meetings, or otherwise.

  • Be consistent. Once you sign up to a group, do your very best to show up to class/rehearsals.

  • Impro Brussels encourages its staff to work as much as they like, including work outside of Impro Brussels. This includes teaching, working, and performing for other groups. This should be disclosed to the Artistic Director to allow for appropriate planning.

  • Everyone working with Impro Brussels commits to doing their job at the best of their ability, with passion, dedication, and professionalism.

  • If audience members are acting inappropriately and/or harassing individuals, Impro Brussels will address it appropriately.

  • Friendships and mentorships between students and teachers are welcome.

  • Due to the inherent power dynamic between students and teachers, Impro Brussels does not allow romantic and sexual relationships between them. In case such relationship happens, it has to be disclosed, so that appropriate action by the school can be taken.

  • Any relationships between employees should be disclosed.

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Artistic Licence

Impro Brussels believes that art is an important forum which allows for all kinds of topics to be addressed, especially the challenging ones. Impro Brussels stands for art as a purveyor of change in society at large.  In our shows and classes, we keep the following principles in mind:

  • Scenes on stage and in classes will sometimes deal with challenging topics. This will be done with the strongest attempt to ensure it is done from a place of empathy and respect.

  • No topic is off limits in principle; however, some topics need to be dealt with more sensitivity. When a sensitive topic comes up, we encourage compassionate and honest dialogue about it afterwards, in order to make it a learning opportunity for everyone involved.

  • While ensuring the show is consistent with what has been advertised, Impro Brussels is not responsible for each audience member’s possible triggers and any uncomfortable themes that may arise through the duration of the show.

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Harassment Policy

As mentioned in the Code of Conduct:

  • We operate on a consent-based system, on stage and off stage.

  • Discrimination, harassment, and sexual harassment have no place in Impro Brussels.

  • There will be no retaliation for anyone who makes a complaint or allegation, regardless of who the complaint is made against: staff, students, audience members, or anyone else.

  • The definition of what constitutes a boundary belongs to the person making the report. If an individual reports that their boundaries have been crossed, they have been crossed. As such, it is not a legitimate defence for the alleged offender to claim they didn’t cross any boundaries. It will be the role of the Committee to decide whether the boundary that has been crossed is one that IB will actively defend.

  • Any allegations of discrimination, harassment, and/or sexual harassment will be taken seriously and investigated fairly, as laid out below.


Arbiter: The individual who will read the report issued by the Investigation and determine if an infraction has occurred, and what corrective actions Impro Brussels will take.

Investigation Committee: The Committee, composed of up to three individuals, will determine a panel to investigate the report of misconduct. This could include the Trustees, the Arbiter, and the Investigation Committee itself, depending on who is alleged to have committed a transgression.

Panel: The group formed by the Investigation Committee to investigate the alleged misconduct.

Trustees: Impartial third parties associated with the Impro Brussels community that can deal with complaints about harassment, including ones related to Impro Brussels’ staff.

Due to Impro Brussels’ current employees number, it is possible that there will be an overlap of individuals on these roles.

Harassment Policy Procedure

If you feel that you are being abused, harassed, or discriminated against, contrary to the Code of Conduct and this Harassment Policy, or if you know or suspect that someone else is, you can choose to respond by:

1.      Approaching the suspected offender directly.

2.      Reporting a violation to Impro Brussels directly.

3.      Reporting anonymously through the online form.

1. Approach the offending individual directly.

You may choose to respond without immediately involving Impro Brussels staff or leadership (though you can contact Impro Brussels at any time) by informing the person engaging in the offending behaviour that their behaviour is unwelcome and asking them to immediately stop. Impro Brussels supports this option only if you do not feel that your health, safety, or professional standing is in danger.

2. Report a violation.

If you feel that you are being, or have been, subjected to conduct in violation of Impro Brussels’ Code of Conduct and/or harassment policy or if you know of or suspect the occurrence of conduct violating these, you should promptly report it to us. You can do so directly by informing any one or more of the following individuals at Impro Brussels:
- Artistic Director:
- A teacher or staff member you feel comfortable with

3. Make a report using our anonymous online reporting form.

Note: This report will be read by the Artistic Director and the Investigation Committee, which could include the Trustees.
It is then the responsibility of whoever receives the report to communicate it to the Investigation Committee. 


Once Impro Brussels receives your oral or written report, it will be kept in the utmost confidence, subject to any legal requirements to the contrary, or until maintaining utmost confidentiality serves to make the investigation and/or resolution of the alleged violation difficult or impossible.
Please Note: Impro Brussels has a duty to report any criminal act that is made known to them, or that it reasonably suspects has occurred, to the police.
Please Note: By submitting a report anonymously, this may hinder Impro Brussels’ ability to investigate the alleged action.

Investigating the report

After a report is received, Impro Brussels will immediately launch an investigation. Impro Brussels’ Investigation Committee, at its sole discretion, shall select a Panel, based on the nature and subject of the complaint. It is important to note that the Investigation Committee and Panel may consist of the same members, given the limited size of Impro Brussels.

To better investigate a complaint, the Panel, the Investigation Committee, and Impro Brussels may seek outside professional advice, including legal advice and human resource advice, to ensure an efficient, effective, and fair investigation. Any outside professional assisting in the investigation will be bound by a duty of confidentiality.

All investigations will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Unless there are practical or other legitimate reasons to follow a different process, investigations will follow the following stages:

1.     Gathering information

The Panel will interview the complainant first, followed by any witnesses (separately), and finally the alleged offender (separately).

All information gathered will be kept in the utmost confidence, subject to any legal requirements to the contrary, or until maintaining utmost confidentiality serves to make the investigation and/or resolution of the alleged violation difficult or impossible. The Panel will endeavor to make this process as timely, comfortable, and unbiased as possible as it gathers the facts relevant to the situation.

2.     Determining the results

The Panel will compile and analyze the information and come to a determination as to whether or not the allegations of a breach of this Policy are substantiated, based on the evidence gathered.

The Panel will then draft a report. The report will contain, at minimum, a detailed timeline of the complaint, a summary of the evidence gathered, the Panel’s final determination, and the reasons for that determination.

The Panel will deliver a copy of the report to the Arbiter.

The Arbiter will make the final determination and take such action as they deem necessary under the circumstances to resolve the matter. Although the Arbiter should carefully consider the Panel’s report in arriving at a final determination, they are not bound to agree with the investigation panel or follow its determination.

3.     Resolution

Should the Arbiter determine that the investigation does not have sufficient grounds or basis to substantiate a violation of the Code of Conduct and harassment policy, Impro Brussels will inform the complainant and the alleged offender of this determination. No corrective action will be taken, and no record of the reported violation will be placed on the alleged offender’s employment file, if any.

Should the Arbiter determine that the investigation discloses sufficient grounds or basis to substantiate a violation of this Policy, Impro Brussels will inform the complainant and the alleged offender of this determination. A record of the reported violation will be placed on the alleged offender’s employment file, if any.

Impro Brussels will take such disciplinary, educational, and/or other corrective action as the Arbiter deems appropriate under the circumstances, according to the evidence gathered, and at his or her sole discretion. The corrective action taken shall reasonably address the effects on the complainant and to prevent any further unacceptable conduct.

This could include, but is not limited to, probation, suspension, transfer to another class, expulsion, being fired, or revocation of an individual’s ability to participate in or attend Impro Brussels performances and events. In the event a student is expelled, they will not be entitled to a refund. Criminal and/or civil charges may be brought against the alleged offender.

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By partaking in Impro Brussels activities, all individuals are expected to have read and agreed to this Code of Conduct and the Harassment policy.

If someone commits an act that contravenes the code of conduct, Impro Brussels may take corrective action which is proportionate to the transgression. This could include, but is not limited to, probation, suspension, transfer to another class, expulsion, being fired, or revocation of an individual’s ability to participate in or attend Impro Brussels performances and events.

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