Upcoming Shows
Impro Brussels School presents:
Intermediate and advanced student shows.
Petit Chapeau Ronde Rouge
Rue Père Eudore Devroye 12, 1040 Etterbeek -
Impro Brussels School presents:
Intermediate and advanced student shows.
Petit Chapeau Ronde Rouge
Rue Père Eudore Devroye 12, 1040 Etterbeek -
Impro Brussels Stageworks presents:
8 Worlds8 stories from real life, 4 improvised narrative universes that will mix, blend, and blur the line between reality and imagination.
Salle Delvaux - ULB
Tickets available soon
Impro Brussels Stageworks presents:
8 Worlds8 stories from real life, 4 improvised narrative universes that will mix, blend, and blur the line between reality and imagination.
Salle Delvaux - ULB
Tickets available soon
mpro Brussels Stageworks presents:
8 Worlds8 stories from real life, 4 improvised narrative universes that will mix, blend, and blur the line between reality and imagination.
Salle Delvaux - ULB
Tickets available soon
mpro Brussels Stageworks presents:
8 Worlds8 stories from real life, 4 improvised narrative universes that will mix, blend, and blur the line between reality and imagination.
Salle Delvaux - ULB
Tickets available soon
Winter Shows 2025
Intermediate and Advanced students showcases
January 11th and 12th, Petit Chapeau Rond Rouge
Saturday Jan 11th and Sunday Jan 12th, join our Intermediate and Advanced students in their showcases!
Tickets: 11,68€
Impro Brussels student: 50% off -available until Jan 6th-
19.00 - 19.45
Impropriate (Thursday Intermediates) in
Saturday: “Improvised Telenovela” - A rollercoaster of melodrama, betrayal and hair flips. Love triangles and octangles and evil twins. Prepare to lose track of reality.
Sunday: “Improvised Murder Mystery” - Everyone is the perfect suspect. An eccentric detective and a brilliant assistant. A shadow lurking around every corner. Enjoy out detective story that will keep you at the edge of the chair until (if) the crime is solved.
Director: Desi Krsteva
20.00 - 20.45
The Elephants In The Room (Tuesday Advanced) in
”All Strings Attached”
How many times have we heard the expression "no strings attached"? This show is the opposite. Everyone is tied, everything matters, everything leaves a trace. A narrative universe moved by contact and emotions. The characters will blur the line between real and imaginary, to give the audience a dreamlike, impactful, experience.
Director: Pierpaolo Buzza
21.00 - 21.45
Who-Where-Whensdays (Wednesday Intermediates) in
All the lonely stories, where do they all come from? Where do they all belong? Discover in our universe, one story and how everything connects.
Director: Frank Wertelaers
Eight Worlds
Info coming soon - stay tuned!
Past events…
Improv vs Standup
Comedy night like you've never seen before
and you won't want to see ever again
June 23rd, Petit Chapeau Rond Rouge
1) The standup comedians do a 10 minute set.
2) The improvisers do scenes for 10 minutes, based on the standup set.
3) Repeat for the whole evening.
All this will turn into a fierce competition to finally settle the eternal debate: which is funnier, stand-up comedy or the improv? You -the audience!- will be called to assign us points by means of laughs, applause, and general noise.
Come watch as we tear each other apart!
Team stand-up comedians: Niamh Moroney, Tristan Barber
Team improvisers: Pierpaolo Buzza, Desi Krsteva, Roberta Manoni, Gabriele Tallone, Frank Wertelaers, Jonathan Webb
Impro Brussels Days
June 20th, 21st, 22nd, 2024
Petit Chapeau Rond Rouge, Rue Père Eudore Devroye, 12, Etterbeek 1040
Exciting news! Impro Brussels Days are coming back in June, funnier and crazier than ever! Whether you’re a long-time fan of improv or new to the scene, this year’s edition is sure to offer a hilarious and unforgettable experience. Come and enjoy the performances of our teams:
Thursday, June 20th
The Talking Eggplants
U go Kallisthenics
Friday, June 21st
It Wasn’t Me
Take It Desi
Saturday, June 22nd
Deep Dive Gatsby
Rette Imparallele
spettacolo di improvvisazione in italiano
18 maggio, 20:00, Artincelle
Le storie che vale la pena raccontare sono fatte di persone che si incontrano. Viviamo seguendo la linea tratteggiata della nostra vita, realizzando passo dopo passo il nostro futuro, rassicurati dalle abitudini e dalla quotidianità che ci siamo costruiti nel tempo, quando un nuovo incontro, una parola in più, un gesto involontario mandano tutta all’aria.
Con: Adua, Dario, Gabriele, Marta, Piero, Pierpaolo, Simone, Valeria
All-Stars Improv Parade
March 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 2024
Le Fou Rire, Av. des Grenadiers 48, 1050 Ixelles
Immerse yourself in a weekend of fun with English-speaking Improv in Brussels! Organized by Impro Brussels, enjoy hilarious performances by renowned groups like Falafel Waffle, This Is Not A Horse, Love Etc, and even an evening of Improv vs Standup. Experience the pinnacle of professional improv with Impro Brussels’ weekend extravaganza!
Open doors: 19h
First show: 20h
Second show: 21h
Friday, March 22nd
The Cannoli Experience
Love Etc
Saturday, March 23rd
This Is Not A Horse
Improv Vs Standup
Sunday, March 24th
Falafel Waffle
Impro Brussels
Comedy Of The Absurd
March 10th, 2024
Come and enjoy our very special evening, where you can watch not one but TWO hilarious Improvised Comedy of the Absurd shows.
Be prepared to be surprised. Our Deep Dive students will improvise two contemporary absurd comedies, where the unexpected is expected and the unbelievable is achievable.
Where and when: Plume Persée, Rue Sans Souci 51, Ixelles 1050, 20:00.
Winter Shows
January 19th and 20th, 2024
Theatre Marni, Rue de Vergnies 25, 1050 Ixelles
Friday, Jan 19th
Improvised Chekhov:
An improvised Chekhov play, performed by the advanced students of Impro Brussels, and directed by Desi Krsteva.
This format explores the Chekhovian worlds with their many different nuances, still relevenat to the present day. The cast will examine the absurd dreams and the delusional philosophies of their characters, to find the joy and the satisfaction of life.
Even the smallest memory can infuse a ton of stories. Some small, some big, some weird, some normal, but always from the heart.
Played by The Franklins’
Directed by Frank Wertelaers
Saturday, Jan 20th
Improvised Musical:
Happily Ever After After All
The great Ingmar Dasseville will guide our Deep Dive students in an improvised musical just for you! “Fraudsters - the impostors of Broadway” is a whirlwind musical journey where improv takes center stage. Unscripted and unpredictable, the talented ensemble crafts a unique show every night, turning audience suggestions into spontaneous scenes, catchy tunes, and uproarious humor. Join the Fraudsters for a night of laughter, music, and the magic of improvisation!
A day, a moment, a group of people, each one of them seaking happiness. A birthday, a birthday and wish, and…
Played by ASAP - Absurdly Skilled Actors’ Parade
Directed by Desi Krsteva
Noir Night + Deep Fried Cannoli
Nov 11th and 12th, 2023
The "Film Noir" Deep Dive students will showcase their work during the past 8 weeks with Desi. Get ready for crime, and just the right amount of drama.
in case you’re still there and still hungry for Improv, you can stay for the highly experimental late night show:
Pierpaolo Buzza and Desi Krsteva will perform a duo which will be dark as it gets, politically uncorrect, potentially unsettling or triggering even, in an experimental format about everything that lies beneath a facade of a happy relationship.
Get ready for a night of pure laughter, but phrased in a way that gives less performance anxiety for the actors!
The Improv Comedy Deep Dive students aka "Deep Fried Cannoli", directed by Pierpaolo, will perform two formats, and they will both be funny in their own different way.
Eight Worlds
Brussels Shuffle Teachers' Show
Nov 5th, 2023
The Brussels Shuffle teachers will perform for you “Eight Worlds”: a format where they will share a story from their life, which will inspire you to share yours, and those inspirations will be the starting point of the improvised stories.
It’s realistic, it’s magical, it’s a mix of everything.
Where and when: Le Petit Chapeau Rond Rouge, Rue Père Eudore Devroye 12, 20:00.
Cast: Maura Bellini, Pierpaolo Buzza, Simone Ellul, Sebastien Hansen, Javier Pastor
Improvised Pirandello + Spettacolo in Italiano
Oct 29th, 2023
Imagine seeing an improvised show on the thin line separating reality and fiction, and who we are behind our masks, in the setting of early 1900s Sicily.
All of this is “Everything You Take For Granted”: a show where, as an audience member, you will question everything. Anything might not be what it looks, characters might not be who they think they are, and is this even a theatre show, or is that the only thing that’s real and the show is happening everywhere but on the stage?
The Impro Brussels students in the Deep Dive “Improvised Pirandello”
In questo spettacolo improvvisato, gli attori metteranno in scena vari capitoli di una storia d’amore. Ogni capitolo sarà ispirato da un oggetto che prenderanno dalla “scatola dei ricordi”, e gli oggetti in questa scatola saranno dati dal pubblico.
Quindi PORTATE CON VOI UN OGGETTO da inserire nella scatola! Ve lo restituiremo intatto. Perlopiù.
Ci saranno emozioni, divertimento, sensualità, e tutto quello che una storia d’amore contiene dal suo inizio alla sua fine… forse anche dopo .
Federica Forb, Pierpaolo Buzza
Season Opening Show
Sept 24th, 2023
Join us for our first show of the season!
We will kick off the year with TWO shows:
In the first half, the Deep Dive student showcase, directed by international guest, Improv legend Nick Byrne: they will play “Common Monsters”, which is not a horror like the title would suggest.
Rather, imagine improvisers of all experiences facing their fears and making art out of it. That’s what “Common Monsters” is.
In the second half, the Impro Brussels teachers will perform one of their signature formats, “How Does It Feel?”.
A show where you, the audience, decide how you want the story to feel (for example scary, romantic, like a Western… or anything else), and we gradually take you there.
June 22-23-24-25
It’s time again for the Impro Brussels Days!
From Thursday June 22nd until Sunday June 25th, Impro Brussels students will storm the stage with all their energy and put on several unique and engaging shows, weaving stories that can only be seen once—because they’re made up right on the spot!
Each night, you’ll be treated to two fully improvised shows.
Played by: Right Here
Directed by: Frank Wertelaers
Played by: The Tears From Ears
Directed by: Pierpaolo Buzza
Played by: Lost & Found
Directed by: Desi Krsteva
Played by: The Late Bloomers
Directed by: Desi Krsteva
Played by: Right Now
Directed by: Frank Wertelaers
Played by: BunnyTales
Directed by: Gabriele Tallone
The Impro Brussels League is back in action!
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday March 24-26, prepare yourself for a series of over the top Impro Brussels shows! They will be jam-packed with high intensity, fun scenes that will leave you thinking “how is this possible? How do they DO this?”.
Each night, two different teams will compete in a series of lively improv games and styles. Ever seen an improvised telenovela? Do you know what the "Swedish square" is? Can one actor play 4 characters? Come and see for yourself!*
The winner of the semi-finals on Friday and Saturday night will face off in the Grand Finale on Sunday night. To accompany our MC Pierpaolo Buzza, we will also bring in a local improviser as an all-knowing, all-powerful, Judge. They will supervise on the correctness of the competition. Or screw it all up, nobody knows for sure. What we do know is, whatever they do is Right.
During each show, the audience will vote on the scenes. Which means: you get to decide who wins!
But remember: from great power derives great responsibility.
March 24: The Laughing, Lustful Leopards (Charlotte, Tristan, Alex, Wout) vs The Perky, Puzzling Panthers (Vera, Dario, Matthieu, Mario, Mami). Dea Ex Machina: Beth Staunton
March 25: The Unpopular Unicorns (Adua, Kyle, Vadim, Gai) vs The Flamboyant, Flamazing Flamingos (Valeria, Andràs, Tommaso, Arno). Arbiter Elegantiarum: Desi Krsteva
March 26th: the Grand Final between the winners! The Queen: Rozana Radu
So come watch Impro Brussels students lay it all on the line. These shows are not to be missed. Come cheer on your friend, and help propel them to victory! (or cheer for the other team, if you hold a grudge you’ve never told them about.)
* DISCLAIMER: the content of the IBL may in some cases induce laughter in a person in, or around, the stage where the IBL takes place. So before you approach the IBL, make sure you are physically fit for laughing. If you are not sure whether laughing is appropriate for you, consult your GP. Impro Brussels takes no responsibility for laughter-induced effects such as good mood and happiness.
Online tickets here: 12€ online
Tickets at the door: 20€ cash (available until sell out!)
Refund policy
Unfortunately, Impro Brussels cannot provide refunds for any tickets purchased.
However, if you purchased a ticket and would like to swap it for another show during the weekend, please contact us. This may be possible according to ticket availability.
Impro Brussels is back with another series of shows to brighten up your winter!
So crawl out of your den of winter hibernation and join us over three nights to watch the shows of our intermediate students and very special guest improvisers from the Netherlands, The Cliffs Of Dover.
FRIDAY, Jan 27
- A Dream Incarcerated
- At The Water Cooler
- A Dream Incarcerated
- U-Wing - The Cliffs of Dover
SUNDAY, Jan 29
- Short Inspirations
- At The Water Cooler
A Dream Incarcerated
Freedom is what they dream about. Freedom is what they are afraid of.
"A Dream Incarcerated" is an improvised play about a group of people, locked away from their dreams, who find a new significance of happiness.
Performed by: The Late Bloomers
Director: Desi Krstreva
Short Inspirations
Anything can inspire a scene! Come and witness the intermediate class of Impro Brussels getting inspired by your ideas, anecdotes or characters in this short scenes format.
Director: Adrien Hoppe
At The Water Cooler
Most of us don’t pick our colleagues, but most of us also don’t have a choice. They can be our best friends or our worst enemies, we have to co-exist regardless. As our improvisers take us through the social challenges of working life, one thing is certain: not much work will get done.
Performed by: The Bethalites
Director: Beth Staunton
The changing climate might be bad for butterflies, but the butterfly effect continues to thrive. Three ostensibly unrelated conversations are more related in past present and future than you think. U-wing shows how everything is connected.
Performed by: The Cliffs Of Dover
Online tickets here
Tickets at the door: 15€ cash (available until sell out)
For Impro Brussels students: 5€ cash at the door
Refund policy
Unfortunately, Impro Brussels cannot provide refunds for any tickets purchased.
However, if you purchased a ticket and would like to swap it for another show during the weekend, please contact us. This may be possible according to ticket availability.
“Reactions” and “Ugly X-Mas Sweaters”
Christmas doesn't get any more Christmas-y than this! Laughs, family, food, presents, ugly sweaters... we've got everything covered, in this unique evening right before the holidays!
FIRST PART - Time Jumps
Two characters go through different phases of their relationships. We will see them in different times, and it's going to be YOU, the audience, telling them whether to jump ahead in time 1 hour, back in time 5 years, or anything you wish! Then all the adventures of the present time will be seen under a whole new light.
Cast: Pierpaolo Buzza, Adrien Hoppe
SECOND PART - Ugly X-mas Sweaters
Christmas nights can be a cheesy affair. Wonderfully bad sweaters, awkward gifts for things we never asked for, and relatives adding too much rum and Baileys to their egg nog. Imagine all of this, in an Improv setting. The whole cast of Impro Brussels teachers will improvise scenes based on your suggestions. And of course, the uglier the suggestions, the better!
Cast: Desi Krsteva, Beth Staunton, Frank Wertelaers, Adrien Hoppe, Gabriele Tallone, Pierpaolo Buzza
AFTER THE SHOWS: We will have plenty of panettone and pandoro to share with you, to wish you a Merry Christmas! And if you want to bring some Christmas-y food from your country to share, feel absolutely free! We'll eat, chat, drink, wish each other happy holidays.
See you there!
Photographs will be taken at the event and may be used later by Impro Brussels.
Performers and attendees expressly authorise Impro Brussels, unless legally established otherwise, to make free use of the photographs and recorded material bearing their image.
Don't want your photo taken/used? No problem.
Please speak to us and let us know and we'll make sure no photos of you are taken. If you see a photo of you online afterwards, and you would like it removed, get in touch with us and we'll be happy to remove it.
with Peggy Pexy Green and Pierpaolo Buzza
Imagine a mega amazing actress, a mega amazing actor, improvising together for 50 minutes.
All they need is a place to begin their story: where do we see the first scene. After that, the story will unfold, exploring characters, their past, their relationships, their world.
Maybe the whole story will remain in that initial location. Maybe there will be a cut to different times and spaces. Maybe we will see many characters, or maybe two. All this, we don't know. What we do know is, it will be quite a journey.
We are looking forward to share it with you... are you ready?
TICKETS HERE (or click on image)
19:45 Open door
20:00 Start of show
Reactions is a twoprov project, starting in Italy in 2016, involving Pierpaolo and each time a different guest.
For its Belgian debut, we have the honor and the privilege to have the unique Peggy, an improviser whose stage presence should be taught in theatre schools across the world.
🐧 Season Opening Show 🐧
The Impro Brussels shows are back!!
Are you back from the holidays and already missing sipping a cold mojito on the beach? We can help. We give you TWO professional shows in one session, to make your evening fun, and mageeek, and unrepeatable.You'll enjoy your time so much that you'll say "ah! Take that, mojito on the beach! I'm better off watching Impro Brussels shows!"
... and for a hot minute, you'll even believe it. We promise.
The two shows:1st half - CASSEROLE
Come sit at the Penguin Restaurant, and be inspired by our a menu full of Improv stories for you. You order the ones you want, the actors bring it to you.
2nd half - HOW DOES IT FEEL
When you're late for an appointment and traffic is stuck... how does it feel? When you get back home cold and wet, you have a hot shower and you put on your comfy clothes... how does it feel? When you receive *that* message... how does it feel?
You will tell us how it feels. We will play the story.
Pierpaolo Buzza
Desi Krsteva
Beth Staunton
Adrien Hoppe
Frank Wertelaers
Gabriele Tallone
Live music: Ingmar Dasseville
* 10€ online: click on the photo poster, or at THIS LINK
* 15€ at the door, ONLY CASH, NO CHANGE, IF IT'S NOT ALREADY SOLD OUT, we don't know how else to encourage online ticketing
🐧 Impro Brussels Days are BACK! 🐧
Every day, TWO improv shows, for THREE days
Get ready for the ultimate Impro Brussels experience! After the lockdowns, we came back with our groups, we worked, we played, and now we're ready to show you all we've got.
Every evening, two shows, with a break to have a drink, in between. Student shows, teacher shows, guest shows, we have everything to make your evening special and memorable!
Friday June 17th: Ice Dragons + Fairyfail
Saturday June 18th: Farewelcome Back Randombee + The Survivors
Sunday June 19th: The Pillow Cushions 2.0 + Teachers Show
Spettacolo in italiano
Non vedi l'ora che arrivi Natale? Stai già pregustando l'arrosto di nonna e il pandoro?
Nell'attesa, vieni a festeggiare con noi a teatro!
Le improvvisatrici e gli improvvisatori italiani di Impro Brussels daranno vita alle vostre storie sul palco, in una successione di scene surreali, esilaranti e completamente improvvisate, scandite dal suono di una campanella.
Uno spettacolo irripetibile, nel vero senso della parola, che NON abbiamo preparato per voi perché sarà completamente creato sul momento grazie ai suggerimenti del pubblico e un pizzico di magia natalizia!
Vi aspettiamo!
Get ready for some mega Improv action!
The improvisers from Impro Brussels, together with four fearless improvisers from Rome, will play not one but TWO shows for you!
The Huddle Rumble and Genesis have become some of our grand classics, and we're always so happy to play them for you!
Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.be/.../huddle-rumble-genesis...
For legal purposes, and to protect your health, it's going to be obligatory to SHOW THE COVID SAFE TICKET (CST) AT THE DOOR.
Here all the info about it:
July 11th, 2021
Get ready for our great see-you-soon show before summer holidays! There's fun, there's Improv, and there's the final of Euro21!
Everything will take place outdoors, in the cozy courtyard of Institute Saint-Boniface Parnasse, in Ixelles; but if it rains, we will move everything inside, in their huge theatre room.
**18:00 - 20:00 ** - THE HUDDLE RUMBLE
Students, teachers and friends of Impro Brussels will perform a two-part improvised show, based on your suggestions, that will make you laugh and who knows what else!
** 21:00 - 23:00** - THE FINAL OF EURO21
Those who want, can stay on site to watch the final of Euro21 together!
June 9th, 2021
June 9th is an important day for Brussels: it's the day that theatres reopen, and we can have live shows again. After having been closed for one and a half years, this seems like a dream come true!
That's why we organized a Grand reopening show! With teachers, students and guest stars. The show will take place IN THE OPEN, so everyone will feel even more relaxed.
"DVD" - by The Huddlers (25')
"The Phone Call" - by Sudden Knot [Desi Krsteva, Johan Somers] (20')
"Genesis" - by the Impro Brussels teachers [Pierpaolo Buzza, Desi Krsteva, Frank Wertelaers, Beth Staunton, Laurie Andrieu] (45')
Our improvised movie
What’s the difference between a normal online show and an improvised movie? That in the movie, the actors are in the same location. There are 4 camera angles, and the director jumps from one to another, depending on where the actors are. And the actors do a show, using the living room (or the kitchen, or any space they’re in) and what it contains as real props. The days of being in a Zoom call and pretending to be in the same room are over! Check out the trailer below.
Because of her troubled past, Carol can't see her son Sean, but she convinces Pete to lift the restraining order, and in exchange, she'll sign the divorce papers, freeing Pete to marry Rania.
Although he has doubts on that...
Meanwhile, Carol and Lorenzo have a fling at a party and maybe they're back together?
Sean is the kind of boy who says he has Covid just to get attention. He'll end up in jail, sooner or later. He can only talk well to Patrick, his grandpapa, who in the meantime is working through the loss of his wife through writing (he is in fact Lorenzo's student in a creative writing class) and maybe he has found someone else.
I guess we'll have to find out in Season 2!
Peter Peeters
Successful businessman. Has a son with his ex-wife Carol, now he's about to get married to Rania.
played by Ralf
Rania Ali
Pete's girlfriend, 6 months pregnant, a bit of a golddigger. Loves gossip and shopping a bit too much.
played by Ilham
Carol Kelly
"She has a secret not yet told, it eats away at her and makes her feel old". Sean's mother, Pete's ex-wife, Lorenzo's ex-sweetheart.
played by Nickie
Sean Peeters
Son of Carol and Peter. He could be anything between 15 and 29. Plays drums and is obsessed with spoons.
played by Tristan
Lorenzo Ciceruacchio
Pete's best friend, Carol's high school sweetheart. Failed writer, lives in nostalgia, and is rebounding since 1998.
Played by Pierpaolo
Patrick Peeters
Pete’s father, but really, he's like a dad for everyone. Retired judge, he speaks wisdom. Thinks about his dead wife a lot.
Played by Frank